I have been out of the teaching mode for quite sometime due to a big move to a newly built house. It has been a tiring, stressful yet rewarding experience. My daughter and I moved from the big city to the province as decided by my hubby and I because everything is CHEAPER. We have a big plot, with a view of the sea, so what more would you want?
When everything was settled in the house, I was able to sit and do wonders with my laptop again, doing what I love the most as a teacher mama…making fun teaching materials.
This year is different for me and the little one as she won’t be going to a regular school. The academic school year has started and it would be quite a challenge for me and her to change routines and Sam adjusting to a new environment. Moreover, from the Special Education point of view, I wanted to address her delays in fine motor. So this year I’ve started homeschooling.
It was quite a daunting task thinking of ways to make her write, do the calendar and a review of the days lesson rolled into one. I did a few searching online and found something quite interesting. In the US, they do a morning work paper with the kids and I said to myself, that might just work. Sam is a very good reader but a very stubborn writer. This worksheet might just be the answer to encourage her to write more and have the correct pencil grip and follow the lines.
So this was the product of my editing skills:
It actually worked! We are now in day 12 and it was a miracle! Not only was she encouraged to write, she has developed her calendar skills and was looking forward to answering it after our circle time! I even added a graph the weather worksheet!
Now on to my next worksheets….